The Apartments

The relais apartments are set in a landscape where nature has taken over the beauty making it its own elements. The architecture, for those who arrive at the entrance to the park, has its own exclusive fascination, with elements of Yin and Yang inserted with skill in the planning of the environment.

Due to their size and layout, all the apartments are equipped with ample porches which lead directly in the garden; they are comfortable for children to play with their toys and run about with no obstacles.

Relais de Charme

via P. Bonomi n.1
25080 Raffa di Puegnago (BS)
Lago di Garda – Italy

Tel. +39 340 1680304

P.IVA 00137140984

Relais de Charme le Videlle © 2020 by Links Grafica – For problems concerning navigation contact Ing. D.C.

Relais de Charme

via P. Bonomi n.1
25080 Raffa di Puegnago (BS)
Lago di Garda – Italy

Phone +39 347 0896005
+39 0365 554615

P.IVA 00137140984

Relais de Charme le Videlle © 2020
by Links Grafica
For problems concerning navigation
contact Ing. D.C.